Heavy Duty Haulage

A Division of Dropbox Couriers

Transporting to inter-city & SADC Regions

Trending Commodities


Coal is the leading source of energy in the World. Coal is a black or brownish-black sedimentary rock that can be burned for fuel and used to generate electricity. It is composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons, which contain energy that can be released through combustion.


Wheat is an important source of carbohydrates. Globally, it is the leading source of vegetable proteins in human food, having a protein content of about 13%, which is relatively high compared to other major cereals but relatively low in protein quality for supplying essential amino acids.


The leaves are used as fodder, the flowers yield a yellow dye, and the seeds contain oil and are used for food. The sweet yellow oil obtained by compression of the seeds is considered equal to olive or almond oil for table use. Sunflower oil cake is used for stock and poultry feeding.


Chromite is important because it is the only economic ore of chromium, an essential element for a wide variety of metal, chemical, and manufactured products. Many other minerals contain chromium, but none of them are found in deposits that can be economically mined to produce chromium.


Sorghum is used for food, fodder, and the production of alcoholic beverages. It is drought-tolerant and heat-tolerant, and is especially important in arid regions. It is an important food crop in Africa, Central America, and South Asia, and is the “fifth most important cereal crop grown in the world”.


Steel is the world’s most important engineering and construction material. It is used in every aspect of our lives; in cars and construction products, refrigerators and washing machines, cargo ships and surgical scalpels. It can be recycled over and over again without loss of property.


Maize or corn (Zea mays L.) is an important cereal crop of the world. It is a source of nutrition as well as phytochemical compounds. Phytochemicals play an important role in preventing chronic diseases. It contains various major phytochemicals such as carotenoids, phenolic compounds, and phytosterols.


The soybean is one of the richest and cheapest sources of protein and is a staple in the diets of people and animals in numerous parts of the world. The seed contains 17 percent oil and 63 percent meal, 50 percent of which is protein. Because soybeans contain no starch, they are a good source of protein for diabetics.

learn about the fleet we use

Dropbox is ready to deliver your cargo with ease! The fleet we use consists of various heavy duty trucks.

We are your ideal choice of transporter for your heavy loads, Palletized Cargo, Commodities , Other Cargo & Shipping Containers. Indicators shown are the demand in our services.

Flat Decks
Semi Trailor
Side Tippers
Super Links

supply chain

Logistics is a part of supply chain management that deals with the efficient forward and reverse flow of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption according to the needs of customers. Logistics management is a component that holds the supply chain together.

We are confident that we can take care of your every logistics need and build a strong and long standing relationship let us help you grow your supply chain to the next level with smart logistics.

Bespoke Logistics Plans

We'd love to share our knowledge and experience

Get in touch with us to see how we can take care of your precious cargo and transport it safely & securely to the offloading point.

Whether you are a client that’s looking to use our services for transporting your cargo or a logistics company looking for loads, we have you covered.

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Shipping Containers

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Palletized Cargo

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premium transport service

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